Surigao Bishop Antonieto Cabajog said everyone should be willing to experience that Good Friday of pain and sacrifice in order to rise to the glory of Easter.
In his Easter Message send to CBCPNews entitled “Do not Look for the Living Among the Dead”, the prelate said the Lord’s passing over from death to life is celebrated in the beautiful liturgy of the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening.
He explained “crossing-over” means passing from one end to the other and “as the Lord has done so to bring us out of darkness into light,” the faithful is asked to make a similar pass-over from sinfulness to sanctity, from greed to selflessness.
He added everyone should be able to make the required “pass-over” from personal and social sins in order to bring about the needed change everyone aspires for.
Referring to change that should bear fruit in the concern for others in society, he added that “This pass-over has to start within each one of us and has to happen “NOW NA!” (Melo M. Acuña, CBCP)
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